National Geographic Learning

Flying Pumpkins! + DVD

  • 9781424021864
  • Tedarik süresi 3-5 iş günüOkuldan teslim edilecekVAR

Every year, a group of people in Delaware have a pumpkin throwing contest. They use machines to throw pumpkins very far. The winner is the team that throws a pumpkin father than anyone else! How do they throw the pumpkins? Who's going to win?
Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Peşin 355,00 355,00
2 187,27 374,53
3 127,03 381,09
4 96,92 387,66
5 78,81 394,05
6 66,77 400,62
Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Peşin 355,00 355,00
2 187,46 374,92
3 127,18 381,55
4 97,05 388,19
5 78,96 394,80
6 66,91 401,43
Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Peşin 355,00 355,00
2 188,15 376,30
3 127,66 382,97
4 97,40 389,61
5 79,24 396,22
6 67,14 402,85

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