
Scholastic ELT Readers Level 1: MONSTER HOUSE

  • 1904720881
  • Tedarik süresi 3-5 iş günüOkuldan teslim edilecekTÜKENDİ

It's Hallowe'en but DJ doesn't want to go trick-or-treating. He wants to spy on the house across the road because he's convinced it's alive. DJ and his friends discover that the house is eating things and people. When the police don't believe them, they attempt to solve the mystery of the 'monster house' on their own.

Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Peşin 385,00 385,00
2 203,09 406,18
3 137,77 413,30
4 105,11 420,42
5 85,47 427,35
6 72,41 434,47
Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Peşin 385,00 385,00
2 203,30 406,60
3 137,93 413,80
4 105,25 421,00
5 85,63 428,16
6 72,56 435,36
Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Peşin 385,00 385,00
2 204,05 408,10
3 138,45 415,34
4 105,64 422,54
5 85,94 429,70
6 72,82 436,90

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