
Scholastic ELT Readers Level 2: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor + CD

  • 9781905775682
  • Tedarik süresi 3-5 iş günüOkuldan teslim edilecekVAR

Famed adventurers Evelyn and Rick O’Connell find themselves back in action when their son, Alex, discovers the tomb of an ancient Emperor in China. The discovery unleashes a chain of events, taking the O’Connell family on another epic adventure of love, tyranny, revenge and magic.

Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Peşin 470,00 470,00
2 247,93 495,85
3 168,18 504,55
4 128,31 513,24
5 104,34 521,70
6 88,40 530,40
Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Peşin 470,00 470,00
2 248,19 496,37
3 168,39 505,16
4 128,49 513,95
5 104,54 522,69
6 88,58 531,48
Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Peşin 470,00 470,00
2 249,10 498,20
3 169,01 507,04
4 128,96 515,83
5 104,91 524,57
6 88,89 533,36

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