
Scholastic ELT Readers Level 3: Lost Chronicles: Part 2 +CD

  • 9781905775224
  • Tedarik süresi 3-5 iş günüOkuldan teslim edilecekVAR

The survivors of the Oceanic Flight 815 crash are finding life on the island difficult and dangerous. And every day there are new mysteries … What is inside the strange hatch in the forest? Who are ‘The Others’ and why did they take Claire? And will Michael ever manage to build his boat and bring rescuers to the island?

Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Peşin 470,00 470,00
2 247,93 495,85
3 168,18 504,55
4 128,31 513,24
5 104,34 521,70
6 88,40 530,40
Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Peşin 470,00 470,00
2 248,19 496,37
3 168,39 505,16
4 128,49 513,95
5 104,54 522,69
6 88,58 531,48
Taksit Taksit Tutarı Toplam Tutar
Peşin 470,00 470,00
2 249,10 498,20
3 169,01 507,04
4 128,96 515,83
5 104,91 524,57
6 88,89 533,36

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